Deciding whether or not to run for elected office is not easy, as it shouldn’t be. Prior to running you should ask yourself some basic questions.

  • Why am I running? Is there a certain issue or issues that have gone unnoticed or unresolved that you think you can resolve or move in the right direction? Is there broad support for these issues or do you think you can create that support with your commitment and message?
  • Can I invest the necessary time needed to the campaign? Different campaigns require different levels of commitment when it comes to time, depending on the size of the electorate. It can range from 4 or 5 hours a week to 25 Hours a week or more. You need to assess the size of the electorate for the position you are targeting, what the most efficient way to target them will be and if you are willing to invest the time required.
  • How much money will be needed to have a viable campaign? Just like time campaigns have a varied degree of financial needs. You may be running for city council in a small town where you can personally communicate with almost every voter, or a county commission seat, state house, state senate or congress, in which case you’ll need to employ some forms of mass communication like direct mail, digital, TV or Radio ads, as well as campaign voter contacts through phone banks or canvassing operations. In these cases, I suggest you contact more than one known political consultant and ask their opinion as to how much running a viable campaign would cost and what services would that include, try to get a cost break down by service and price. If you ultimately consider hiring a consultant obtain and follow up with references. (We will discuss campaign funding in a later post).
  • Personal Inventory. Are your family and loved ones on board with you running for elected office?  You also need to ask yourself the questions: What is the worst thing I have ever done? If that thing became public, could you live with it? Could you live with how it would affect your family? If these things in your mind are minor or of little or any consequence, and your close family agrees, then this should not hinder you from running.

Answering these questions should help you make your decision as well as provide more clarity and direction if you choose to run.

I hope this was helpful and if you have any questions or need more information or clarification, please email me at