TV, Radio or Digital?

You want to advertise to increase sales, but your advertising budget is limited. When considering TV, Radio or Digital, which one best meets your needs depends on what you want to achieve, the size of the geographic area you want to reach and the demographic you’re targeting.

  • What do you want to achieve? If your goal is brand awareness then TV and Radio may be more advantageous, though you may want to consider adding digital and CTV depending on your demographic target.
  • What’s your geographic target? If the geographic area you are targeting is a County, State or Country then you should make TV and Radio your priority perhaps in combination with some micro targeted digital. If you are targeting a small geographic are like a ton or neighborhood, then you should confine your budget to Digital and CTV.
  • What is your demographic target? If you are trying to reach older consumers or commuters, then Radio and TV will give you the best results. If you’re targeting students or millennials then you should concentrate your ad dollars on digital. Stay at home parents or those that work from home are best reached by TV and Digital. There are many groups and careful consideration to their media consumption habits should be considered in order to reach them most effectively.

There are obviously many things to consider when planning your ad campaign but these are some of the most basic. Combining these considerations will be helpful in finding the most cost effective and productive way to spend your advertising dollars

I hope this was helpful and if you have any questions or need more information or clarification, please email me at